Administrative Professionals Day 2025 is April 23, while Administrative Professionals Week is the last full week in April, April 20 – 26. Mark your calendar for these dates and start planning how you will commemorate this holiday now.

How will your medical practice be celebrating your valued administrative assistants during Admin Day? Explore ideas to honor these professionals, including how to streamline their workflow with Weave.

Understanding Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day — sometimes referred to as “National Secretaries Day” — takes place on the last Wednesday of April each year. In 2025, that day is Wednesday, April 23. Administrative Professionals Week takes place the last full week of April.

People have been celebrating administrative professionals for decades, since U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer proclaimed June as the first National Secretaries Week in 1952. Back then, secretaries were traditionally women, but the definition and roles of secretaries have changed significantly throughout history.

Today, the term “secretary” isn’t widely used, and organizations in every sector of the modern economy instead honor all of their administrative professionals on this special day.

Why Celebrate Administrative Professionals Day?

Administrative Professionals Day may feel cheesy, so why should your medical practice take the time to celebrate this public holiday?

This holiday (and the entire Administrative Professionals Week) gives you an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts your administrative professionals give day in and day out. These professionals fill various roles and responsibilities in your organization aside from simply keeping the office organized. They often go above and beyond, and they deserve recognition for their hard work.

Celebrating National Administrative Professionals Day or Professional Secretaries Week could improve your workplace culture and employee satisfaction. Employees who feel valued may be more likely to stay in a job for longer and work harder to meet their objectives.

Creative Ways To Celebrate Administrative Professionals Day

While your organization could simply send out a nice email honoring your administrative professionals, you can also do a lot more to celebrate their contributions to your practice during Professional Secretaries Week. Here are a few creative ways to recognize and say “thank you” to your administrative team during National Secretaries Week:

  • Rest and Relaxation: Provide gifts surrounding relaxation, like spa vouchers, wellness days, or flexible work hours. These gifts give administrative professionals time to recharge.
  • Professional Development: Along with more lighthearted gifts, consider offering opportunities for professional development and education, such as paid conferences, training, or courses. These can support your administrative professionals’ career skills and growth and foster personal development. Courses are available through the International Association of Administrative Professionals (also known as Professional Secretaries International) and the National Secretaries Association.
  • Public Recognition: Public shoutouts or social media posts go a long way in highlighting the important role your administrative professionals play. Throughout the last full week of April, consider sharing specific achievements, skills, and contributions from each of your professional secretaries.
  • Gifts and Tokens of Appreciation: Everyone appreciates gifts, even when they are just small, inexpensive tokens of appreciation. Consider how you can personalize gifts for your skilled administrative personnel.

Even though Administrative Professionals Day takes place on a Wednesday, you can extend the celebration beyond Wednesday and into the entire last full week in April.

Celebrating in a Hybrid or Remote Work Environment

Do your administrative professionals typically work remotely rather than in your business, medical practice, or other organization? You can still celebrate National Secretaries Day and Administrative Professionals Week with your remote administrative personnel through virtual events.

Host a virtual party where you invite your secretaries and other professionals to join a Zoom call, recognize the efforts of each employee, and play online games like Bingo or Scattergories. Another time during the week, send e-cards to your secretaries and administrative professionals with thoughtful messages.

Your organization can also deliver care packages, meal delivery vouchers, or other gifts to your administrative professionals who work remotely. Your secretaries and other administrative support professionals will feel appreciated on this public holiday even if they don’t see you in the office very often.

How Weave Can Help You Celebrate

One of the best actions your business can take to commemorate Administrative Professionals Day 2025 or National Secretaries Week is adopting strategies that lighten the load for your secretaries and administrative professionals

With Weave, your organization can automate and streamline many of the responsibilities that currently take up your secretaries’ time. They’ll have more time and energy to focus on high-level tasks that keep your medical practice running and make better use of their skills.

Here are just a few of the features your practice can leverage from Weave — and how Weave can help you commemorate Administrative Professionals Day or National Secretaries Week:

  • Communication Tools: Weave’s phone and messaging systems allow your administrative support professionals to send automatic appointment reminders and text messages to patients. You can even use Weave to send automated reminders for Administrative Professionals Day events.
  • Online Scheduling and Payments: Weave lets your administrative professionals simplify appointment scheduling and billing, reducing the strain on their workload and freeing up time for other tasks. Your secretaries will have more time to participate in the celebrations during Administrative Professionals Week.
  • Digital Forms and Email Marketing: With Weave’s digital forms, you can easily collect feedback from your administrative professionals and other skilled administrative personnel to learn how you can improve their work culture. You can use Weave’s email marketing features to share gratitude messages throughout the office for this public holiday.

Request a Weave Demo Today

Whether your organization is celebrating Administrative Professionals Day 2025 or extending the fun into Administrative Professionals Week, your administrative personnel will appreciate your endeavors to praise all they do for your medical practice.

Many employers don’t do enough in recognizing their administrative professionals. By taking the time to commemorate Administrative Professionals Day in your medical practice, you’re also making strides toward improving employee satisfaction and retention. Weave can help with these goals too.

Get a demo of Weave’s solutions today to learn how Weave can enhance your practice and help you celebrate your administrative professionals.

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