Business Texting Makes Connecting With Your Customers Easy, Even When You Can’t Get to the Phone.
See how it worksThese days, 90% of customers prefer to text instead of talking on the phone or emailing back-and-forth.
Yet, less than half of businesses offer the option to text!
That’s good news for you, because simply offering business texting as a way to schedule appointments, reschedule, confirm, and ask questions gives you an advantage over your competitors.
Your customers are looking for an amazing experience. Providing options for them to schedule and communicate via business text messaging makes the process easier for them, which makes for happier customers. Your business can use the texting platform to send and receive updates, schedule appointments, build customer relationships, close sales and communicate with staff.
Fast and simple modes of communication like texting and instant messaging are quickly overtaking emails, calls, and yes–postcards. Your customers love quick communication!
That’s why texting is no longer just for personal conversations with your friends and family.
Text messaging is now a powerful communication tool for businesses.
You no longer have to play phone tag. Send a text so that the call can happen at a convenient time for your customer!
Request a demo of Weave today to find out how a business text messaging platform can help your business!
In the Weave Messaging App, you can view all the messages you have sent or received to patients.
You can view all your unread or drafts in one place, too!
Send a message to any patients in your system (and even use emojis!).
If you can’t reply to a text message right away, or you can simply mark it unread and come back to it later.
The Weave Messaging App works just like your phone text messaging app and is easy to use.
The fact that I can instantly text every one of my patients and get them to come in for an appointment, or set up a new appointment, or let them know of a change – it’s amazing! Even just using the birthday reminders to contact them with a nice message makes a big difference.
Todd Snyder, DDS, FAACD
Cosmetic & Restorative Dentist, Author, Consultant
This makes it so smooth and easy for the parents who are always on the go and have multiple appointment times. They can check their appointment times and change appointments quickly, which they almost never do if they have to make a phone call. This gets people to communicate with us.
Josh Twiss, DDS
Pediatric Dentist, Iron Horse Pediatric Dentistry
Discover how the Weave platform can help you grow your business like never before.
1. I already use phone and email. Why should I start texting?
Business Texting Allows You To Open Up Your Business To New Customers
Business Texting Demands Your Existing Customers’ Attention
Create Effortless, Instant, & Meaningful Experiences For Your Customers
Plus, if they have any questions or problems come up after the initial communication, unlike a one-time phone call, they can easily open up the dialogue again.
2. Isn’t texting unprofessional?
3. My customers aren’t millennials. Will they really use texting?
4. What if I’m a small business? Isn’t this only for big businesses?
5. How much time will business texting take?
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t drain a lot of your time and resources to get in on the texting trend. Implementing any business or operational change will take a little bit of getting used to, but it’s not a very difficult challenge especially since many on your team probably already text in their day-to-day lives. Learning the basics of SMS marketing and relationship building will be easy for those who are already familiar with texting—and, who isn’t these days?
Costs are another major concern for business owners, but texting is one of the cheapest yet most effective communication methods you can implement. In fact, you can start communicating through texts with virtually no additional costs. Many VoIP services, like Weave, offer two-way texting as a built-in feature because of how valuable it can be for businesses.
6. How long should my texts be?
K.I.S.S. = Keep It Short And Simple
This old adage definitely applies to business texting. Texts are built for brief and quick communications only–save the lengthy paragraphs for email, or a phone call that you can coordinate via a convenient text. A short text message has a much higher chance of being read and responded to. The shorter it is, the less it demands of your customers. Get to the point, and make sure you communicate what you want your customer to do about your text.
Do you want them to confirm something? Do you want them to click a link? A quick call-to-action or simple yes-or-no questions work great.
7. Since it’s texting, should my messages be more casual or should I keep it formal?
Keep it casual and light. Text using a tone that is friendly, polite, positive, and professional. Avoid pretentious words or complicated sentence structures–this is a text message, not an academic paper. Simple texts require less effort on the part of your customers and increase the likelihood they will respond. Simple, personal texts create loyalty and friendship with your customers.
Don’t be scared to inject wit and humor into the text, but be wary of anything that is too jokey, rude, or offensive. Emojis are more and more acceptable (especially for younger, more hip businesses), but keep them to a minimum. Avoid abbreviations or shortcuts like “lol”, “idk”, or “u” that make you look too casual. Your customers love personalized communication, but be sure to keep the content to things they will understand.
8. When should I send messages?
With marketing, when you communicate is almost as important as what you communicate. Timing is everything if you want to make the most out of your texts. Send out texts at a time and day of the week when your customers are most likely to see and respond. Think about your customers personally. What is going to be the best time for them?
Depending on your customer base, this could be anywhere from early mornings on weekdays to weekend nights. Experiment and find a schedule that works best for your business.
Also, make sure that you send notifications and confirmations with enough lead time. For major events, alert people 1-2 weeks prior to give them time to clear their schedules. For regular appointments, send a confirmation text a few days before. Texts should be helpful, so send them in a timeframe that gives your customers time to plan accordingly.