Our Promise to Our Customers

Kali Geldis |

Dear Customer,

With 2017 now upon us, I want to take an opportunity to let you know that we have been working around the clock to make drastic improvements to our underlying infrastructure to deliver the service that you expect from us. We believe that all of the major kinks have been worked out, but we aren’t done. There is still work to do.

Here is our promise to you: We will be relentless in our efforts to deliver the highest quality product. We won’t give up. Weave will continue to get better because we won’t quit until it is the best.

Perseverance is a fundamental part of our DNA as a company. We installed our first customer in 2012. We added 150 customers in 2012 and 2013. It was slow growth. We had a product with a lot of promise but struggled to get it into the hands of customers. We did everything we could to make it better. No investors wanted to fund us. I emptied out my bank account, liquidated my retirement fund, and sold my cars to keep Weave alive during those early years. We didn’t quit when things got hard. We believed that our customers wanted Weave in their offices, so we did everything we could to make that happen. We persevered and stayed determined.

In 2016, we doubled the number of locations using Weave. We now provide service to 3,000 locations throughout the U.S. What a change from 2012! In the last 3 years, we have raised $23m in funding from some of the most well respected investors in Silicon Valley. Weave started out with the idea that small businesses needed better communication tools. The market has responded in the affirmative. We must keep going.

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” — Steve Jobs, CEO and Founder of Apple.

It would be absurd of us to give up now, to change who we are as a company, to change what has brought us so much success — so we aren’t going to. As the CEO of Weave, I won’t let it happen. We are in it for the long haul. The world needs Weave and we need to up our game to deliver.

We promise that things will get fixed quickly and that the worry about Weave working will turn into excitement for what Weave will do next. We believe that everything in life is earned and that nothing is given. We are going to work relentlessly to earn that trust, respect, and excitement from you.

The team is focused on securing our foundation before we try to push forward anymore. We aren’t focusing on growth, but focusing on making sure our product does what you expect it to do: work. First, we’ll get your confidence back. After that, and only after that, we’ll get back to work on the future of communication for your business.

Let’s make 2017 the best year ever.

Brandon Rodman, CEO & Founder