Staffing a Physical Therapy Practice Effectively

Staffing a Physical Therapy Practice Effectively

Andrew Cuthbert |

How To Get the Best Staff Members for Your Physical Therapy Clinic

If you care about the long-term success of your PT clinic, you’ll need to build a cohesive team with top talent in the field. Choosing the right physical therapists and physical therapist assistants isn’t always easy, though. To pick the best employees, understanding physical therapy staffing is crucial.

In today’s world, finding candidates with the skills needed to provide the best care for patients is tough. Thankfully, physical therapy staffing agencies can help.

Understanding Physical Therapy Staffing

Physical therapy clinicians can work at an outpatient clinic, hospital, nursing home, or residential treatment facility. In addition to providing quality patient care, they perform administrative tasks at the front desk, such as billing health insurance for patients.

In light of the recent national physical therapist staffing shortage, top talent is in serious demand. In the last few years, many physical therapists have left the field over poor work-life balance, inadequate salaries, and the stress of dealing with non-compliant patients.

If you’re having trouble recruiting and hiring staff members for your business, consider working with a physical therapy staffing agency to overcome PT staffing challenges.

The Role of Physical Therapy Staffing Agencies

Physical therapy staffing services are the perfect place to find support staff for your organization. If your clinic doesn’t have enough staff members for patient care, staffing agencies have the resources to help your business with recruiting and hiring.

PT staffing agencies can help you with physical therapy recruitment for all types of roles at your practice, such as:

  • Physical therapists
  • Therapy assistants
  • Technicians, aides, and interns
  • Front desk and back office staff

Benefits of Working With a Physical Therapy Staffing Agency

Working with a staffing agency for PT clinics offers the following advantages:

  • You’ll gain access to a diverse group of talented workers who take professional development seriously. Many of these workers have training in high-tech modalities, including light therapy, TENS, laser therapy, and dry needling.
  • Is one of your therapists on sick leave? A staffing agency can help your practice temporarily fill the role, so you don’t have to resort to hiring someone new.
  • There’s no need to create a job posting of your own. Staffing agencies handle this for you.
  • Staffing agencies can save you a ton of time, allowing you to focus on more important tasks, such as helping patients.
  • Staffing agencies can save you money thanks to effective PT staffing models. Although you’ll pay a fee for their services, it can cost less than recruiting, hiring, and training employees on your own.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Physical Therapy Staffing Agency

Maybe you’d like to try a staffing agency, but you’re unsure how to pick a winner. Here’s how to choose the right staffing services agency for your clinic.

Experience and Expertise

For the best results, don’t just choose an all-purpose staffing agency. Instead, look for an agency that specializes in working with physical therapy clinics. That way, you’ll get the most qualified physical therapists for your practice.

Customized Staffing Solutions

Good staffing agencies know not all physical therapy clinics are the same. That’s why they offer customized physical therapy staffing solutions to meet your practice’s and patients’ needs.

Try Weave for Physical Therapy Clinics

Finding the right employees for your practice can be a headache, but physical therapy staffing agencies can help. Once you’ve got the perfect staff, give Weave a try. With tools like appointment reminders and easy bill payment features, Weave makes running your physical therapy practice a snap.

Ready to elevate your physical therapy practice? Get a demo today and discover how we can transform your practice.

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Practices can save more than $7,000 in staffing costs a year by using Weave.

From the first phone call to the final invoice and every touchpoint in between, Weave connects the entire customer journey, all while making you and your staff's lives easier.

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