Is your practice keeping up with all the latest dental trends of 2024? If not, you may struggle to compete with the other 135,000 dental practices scattered throughout the country.

The dental industry is constantly changing. If you don’t pay attention to the newest dental care trends, your practice could fall behind and get stuck using outdated technology to provide patient care.

It doesn’t matter if you’re one of the most established dentists in your area or a recent dental school graduate still getting your feet wet within the dentistry world. Staying on top of these trends in 2024 can position your practice perfectly to adapt to the ever-changing landscape.

Key Dental Trends for 2024

New dental trends are always exciting, and the trends emerging in 2024 are no different. They look as though they’ll take the entire industry to the next level in the coming years by making it easier than ever before for dentists to deliver the best possible dental care. They can also improve the oral health care of patients in innovative ways.

The Rise of Teledentistry and Virtual Consultations

As of 2022, less than one-fourth of dental practices provided patients with teledentistry services. But that number is climbing, and most dental offices might start offering virtual consultations soon.

Dental patients came around to the idea of accepting teledentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Busy patients prefer taking part in virtual consultations now after seeing how effective they are. They also often find that they reduce dental anxiety while delivering optimal oral health care.

Dentists have recognized this and are now at least considering offering more virtual consultations to attract patients to their dental practices. They’ve also come up with ways to make teledentistry visits with new patients and existing patients alike more sophisticated. Some even look at these virtual check-ups as an integral part of providing quality dental care.

Increased Focus on Cosmetic Dentistry

Recent surveys have suggested that up to 60% of Americans are unhappy with their smiles. At the same time, surveys have also shown that upwards of 70% of Americans use social media regularly. Many routinely post photos and videos on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms, showing off their smiles all the while.

These statistics have combined to create a surge of people interested in investing in cosmetic dentistry services to improve their smiles and oral health as a whole. This includes:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Veneers
  • Orthodontics
  • Dental restorations

The rise in cosmetic procedures is one of the leading dental industry trends 2024 has to offer. This is a trend that isn’t likely to die down anytime soon.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices

Reports have revealed that American consumers are pushing businesses to take sustainability more seriously across the board. This now includes many dental practices, as people are urging dentists to keep sustainability in mind when helping improve their oral health.

Dental practices have responded to patient demands by:

  • Using more eco-friendly materials when performing procedures
  • Coming up with more effective waste reduction strategies for their dental practices
  • Highlighting other ways in which their dental clinics are reducing their carbon footprints

If your practice hasn’t gone “green” yet, it’s time to make the change. It may help improve patient satisfaction even further.

Technological Advancements in Dentistry and Oral Health

Technology has come a long way within the dental industry. It’s impossible to discuss the best dentistry trends of 2024 without bringing up all the technological advancements that have started to appear.

AI and Machine Learning in Dental Care

Artificial intelligence is impacting just about every industry throughout the world right now. About 40% of companies have adopted AI globally, and even more are expected to join them soon.

AI might not immediately feel like a natural fit for dentists, but it’s proving to deserve a place within every practice in the country. The average dental school graduate in 2024 is at least familiar with how to use AI and machine learning to:

  • Provide patients with more accurate diagnoses
  • Create more personalized treatment plans for patients
  • Manage patient data and dental records more efficiently

The hope is that this is only the beginning. The future use of AI within the dentistry industry should make artificial intelligence one of the most important cutting-edge technologies and trends of all time.

3D Printing and Customization

The first 3D printer dates back to the 1980s. It took some time for the 3D printer to make its way to the dental industry, but it’s here now and 3D printing is likely staying for good.

Dental practices are investing in 3D printers for their offices at a rapid rate and using them to create more personalized and precise dental restorations. They’re also using 3D printing to improve the patient experience by reducing turnaround times for dental implants and other dental services.

By incorporating 3D printing into your practice, you can improve the patient experience and deliver personalized medicine with more efficient procedures.

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry has increased in popularity at some dental practices in the U.S. in recent years. Laser technology should work its way into even more dental offices in 2024 and beyond.

Dentists can use lasers to employ preventive care strategies like removing decay from teeth. Laser technology has also become one of the most exciting teeth trends of 2024 because dentists can use it to:

  • Reshape gums
  • Eliminate bacteria during root canals and other procedures
  • Perform biopsies and remove lesions

The American Dental Association is already singing the praises of lasers. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also approved the use of lasers during certain procedures.

Shifting Patient Expectations and Engagement

Managing patient expectations is something dental practices have been trying to do successfully for years. But these expectations have changed over time, and in 2024, dental practice owners must work even harder to meet them.

Patient-Centric Care and Enhanced Communication

Patient-centric care has been a trend among healthcare providers for a long time. This type of dental care calls for dentists to do more than just deliver dental treatments to patients. They also need to allow dental patients to play a bigger part in the treatment planning process, delivering personalized treatment options.

The patient-centric approach to dental care is all about dentists treating patients with respect and dignity and prioritizing patient comfort. It requires dentists to provide dental education to patients to make sure they understand how dental procedures, orthodontic treatments, and other dental services work. It also requires them to come up with customized treatment plans.

Dentists must enhance patient care by staying in communication with the people they’re treating. Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to do this thanks to the automated reminders, personalized messages, and seamless communication channels Weave can offer to dental practices.

From setting up your dental practice with a more reliable phone system to delivering a digital dentistry platform you can use to communicate with patients, we’ll make it simple to work these dental trends into your operation.

Demand for Transparency and Cost Clarity From Dental Practices

Over 90% of Americans say they would skip important dental treatments if they had cost concerns. But one of the problems many dental patients encounter is that dental practices don’t always offer much transparency when it comes to their costs.

Is your dental office as upfront as possible when it comes to sharing your costs with patients? If you aren’t, you might struggle to bring in patients. More people are demanding transparency from dental practices and leaving them when they don’t receive it.

Your dental office should meet patient demands by:

  • Clearly expressing the costs associated with dental treatments during consultations
  • Steering clear of hidden fees
  • Providing patients with flexible payment plans to help them avoid delaying dental procedures

Far too many Americans put off medical services and dental health care because of the financial issues they can cause. By providing them with more clarity about costs, your dental practice can ensure patients don’t delay a minimally invasive oral surgery or another dental procedure unnecessarily.

Business and Financial Trends in the Dental Industry

Most of the top dentistry trends of 2024 revolve around the recent improvements made to the patient care that dentists, dental hygienists, and other dental professionals provide. However, there are also business and financial trends impacting the dental industry.

The Impact of Staffing Challenges

The dental industry is facing a massive labor shortage in 2024 that’s making it difficult for dental practices to hire staff. One alarming survey showed that 95% of dentists are having a hard time hiring dental hygienists, while 87% are struggling to hire dental assistants.

It doesn’t sound like this problem is going to disappear soon, either. The situation is so dire that the U.S. Senate was tasked with trying to generate potential solutions in 2024.

If your practice has found that retaining employees for extended periods is problematic, look for ways to combat this issue. One way to get around it is to invest in more staff training. This will show your practice’s commitment to your employees and their careers while also creating a more capable staff.

You can also consider making life easier for your employees by creating a dental dashboard and investing in practice management software from Weave. You can optimize your practice’s workflow and make more professionals want to work for your practice over other dental service organizations.

Financial Pressures and Revenue Management

The American Dental Association’s Health Policy Institute recently revealed that dentists with private solo dental practices bring in gross revenues of over $850,000 each year. Dental specialists, meanwhile, generate gross revenues of over $1.1 million.

But despite this, dentists are only left with average net incomes of just under $220,000, while specialists pull in average net incomes of less than $350,000. Between rising costs and reimbursement challenges, dentists and specialists aren’t making as much money as they should.

If financial pressures are getting the best of your solo practice or dental group, one of the final dental trends of 2024 should help ease your concerns. It involves finding ways for practices to cut costs and make more money overall. Your practice can do this by:

  • Optimizing fee schedules
  • Trimming overhead expenses
  • Leveraging analytics to identify revenue opportunities

Weave can assist you with the last option, in particular. You can count on us to provide dental practice analytics you can put to good use.

Adapting to the Future: Embracing Trends for Practice Success

If dental practices fail to monitor the latest dental trends in 2024, it can hinder their ability to provide top-notch patient care. It can also ruin their reputations among both patients and dental professionals and make it difficult to staff their operations. It can even negatively impact their bottom lines.

Weave’s comprehensive solutions, including online scheduling, patient communication, and payment processing, can help your practice adapt to these trends and thrive in 2024. Get a demo to see how Weave can support your practice’s growth and efficiency.

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